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Sheds & Garages
Need more storage or simply your own mancave. A shed adds value to your property and offering additional storage, work space or recreational area for the whole family.
Choose the size and colour that suits your style and budget.
All sheds are built with quality Australian materials and installed by our team of experienced installers.
Sheds are available in Flat Roof or Gable Roof and a choice of Zinculum and Colorbond.
Flat Roof Garden Shed Gable Roof Garden Shed
1525 x 1525 x 1900 2285 x 2285 x 1900
2285 x 1525 x 1900 3050 x 2285 x 1900
3050 x 1525 x 1900 3050 x 3050 x 1900
3805 x 1525 x 1900 3805 x 3050 x 1900
4560 x 1525 x 1900 3805 x 3805 x 1900
FREE QUOTE? CALL NOW: 08 9583 3515
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